2018 Schedule
August 8th & 22nd
- Lead line: Walk Only. Any age. For competitors who have never competed at a gait higher than walk
- Beginner walk trot: For competitors who have never competed at the walk, trot- Individual rides. Course can be picked up at the farm.
- Walk/ Trot: For competitors who have never competed beyond walk/trot- group ride
- Beginner Walk/ trot/ canter: For competitors who have never competed at the canter- individual rides. Course can be picked up at the farm.
- Walk/ Trot/ Canter: No more than 3 to canter at one time. -group ride
Jumping Classes:
Rail down (5pt penalty): refusal/run-out (5pt penalty)
- Beginner X Rails: 12" ( 6 jumps.) To be ridden at trot or canter. For competitors who have never competed over a course higher than 12"
- Beginner Novice: X Rails: 18" (6 jumps.) To be ridden at the trot or canter. For competitors who have never competed over a course higher than 18"
- Novice Jumpers: 2'-2'3" (8 jumps) To be ridden at a trot or canter
- Intermediate Jumpers: 2'6-3' (8 jumps) To be ridden at a trot or canter
- Advanced Jumpers: 3'3"-3'6" (8-10 jumps). To be ridden at a canter
Bareback Jumping Class:
This class will not have a course. It will be treated like the Jackpot Jumper Class. Red Flags must be on the right hand side of the jump. If the jump has no flags then no points are awarded. If you jump the jump backwards, no points will be awarded. Varying heights of jumps available. You may ride with or without a bareback pad...NO STIRRUPS allowed. There will be an allotted time allowed to earn as many points as you can.
Derby Class:
This class will offer a combination of stadium jumps as well as XC jumps. All XC jumps will have individual point values. You may walk the field and check out the jumps prior to the class from 4-5:30PM. There will be an allotted time allowed to earn as many points as you can.
Rail down (5pt penalty), refusal/ run-out 5 pt penalty)
- Design your own course. Each fence jumped is worth 5 points. Time limit of 45 seconds. Competitor with the most points wins.
- Beginner X Rails: 12"
- X Rails: 18"
- Novice Jumpers: 2'-2'3"
- Intermediate Jumpers: 2'6"-3'
- Advanced Jumpers: 3'3"- 3'6"
$20 per class. Class Schedule is subject to change each show.
For more information call Ro Nelson:508-776-8280